Randall Wright
Randall Wright graduated from UCL London to train at the BBC as a film editor and producer. He has directed and produced more than fifty television films, two cinema documentaries, and a number of short campaigning films, one of which opened the World Economic Forum in Davos in 2010.
Bio last updated June 17th, 2021.
Articles by Randall Wright
Stopping to Look at L'Arche
By Peter Stockland with Randall Wright
April 30, 2018
Randall Wright’s cinematic close up of L’Arche, Jean Vanier’s community for people with mental disabilities, opens today in theatres across Canada. The British documentary maker spoke with Convivium’s Peter Stockland about the powerful change that followed acceptance of Vanier’s invitation to see humanity itself in an entirely new light.
I would have liked to have had more in the film of the one thing Jean values very highly, which is to give people back their past If we want to change the world, if we want peace, we have to be prepared to meet people who are from another group, who people unknown to us, maybe even our enemies Sometimes, most of the time, we are not willing to meet people who are different to us It’s not so much the case now but it was the case that when people are placed in somewhere like an asylum, no one really refers to their loved one, no-one refers to the key moments of their life I've seen so many things in life that have gone terribly wrong, and this is a world that makes sense to me Peter Stockland: He devoted his life to, again to use your phrase, to creating not just a place for them to go, but a place to build a sense of community, and, if not full independence, at least a sense of them making their way in the world on their own