Marie Azzarello
Marie Azzarello, member of the Congregation of Notre Dame, works in educational ministry. This experience has enabled her to share life with countless numbers of people including sisters and associates of her congregation across Canada, the United States, Japan, Central America and Troyes, France.
Bio last updated April 30th, 2018.
Articles by Marie Azzarello
The Footsteps of a Sainted Sister
By Marie Azzarello
August 1, 2014
Sister Marie Azzarello returns to the birthplace of Marguerite Bourgeoys, Canada’s first schoolteacher and female saint.
Once again, I knew I was on land that holds a sacred story not only of the sisters and the young women of Marguerite's time but also of Marguerite herself That June day, I wondered how many times Marguerite had crossed that portal to meet with the other young women and with Sister Louise? What did she carry in her heart? Was the enthusiasm she felt to place her life entirely in God's service mingled with moments of sadness, of disappointment? Is it presumptuous to imagine that this time alone provided Marguerite solitude and silence in which to reflect on all that had unfolded in her life from 1640 until then in relation to her deep desire to give her life totally to God's service? Solitude and silence are also said to create the inner space needed to let go of personal desires in order to listen to the call inviting us to cross thresholds opening onto new horizons This joy-filled celebration of the people of God at the Eucharist on the evening of October 5 spoke largely of their appreciation for all that Marguerite, a native of Troyes, represented and for the presence of our sisters in their midst over the years In 1644, Marguerite and two companions tried to found a community of non-cloistered women who would go among the people, serving them in the spirit of Mary, who had gone in haste to visit her cousin Elizabeth