Joyce Deng
Joyce is a University of Ottawa student studying International Development & Globalization. She serves as the Vice President of the University of Ottawa Navigators Executive Team’s Campus Ministry and is a participant of the Faith in the Future program with Cardus.
Bio last updated February 7th, 2019.
Articles by Joyce Deng
Faith Among the Seconds
By Joyce Deng
February 4, 2019
Through often painful moments listening to a broken man at an Ottawa drop-in centre, Joyce Deng began to hear God’s voice in the briefest of encounters.
Through my time spent with the community, God invited me to humbly walk alongside its members in some hard, deep pits of brokenness Through my interactions with Pat, God interceded, and through the opportunities of hearing his story, it became a vessel of seeing His presence amidst brokenness Through my interactions with Pat, God graciously showed me that He’s in the dirt I’ve discovered that once we start paying more attention to the people around us, God’s presence tends to show up within the interactions, in subtle, simple miracles If he was so good, why is there sickness? Why is there pain? I don’t want to follow a God that just sticks out his mighty hand and gives and takes whenever he wants
Faith Among the Seconds
Joyce Deng
February 4, 2019
Through often painful moments listening to a broken man at an Ottawa drop-in centre, Joyce Deng began to hear God’s voice in the briefest of encounters.
Through my time spent with the community, God invited me to humbly walk alongside its members in some hard, deep pits of brokenness Through my interactions with Pat, God interceded, and through the opportunities of hearing his story, it became a vessel of seeing His presence amidst brokenness Throug...