Vanessa Eisses
Vanessa Eisses is a student at Redeemer University College who is pursuing her degree in psychology with a missions minor. Vanessa serves as the appointed student representative for Redeemer’s sexual violence awareness program in the summer of 2016.
Bio last updated April 30th, 2018.
Articles by Vanessa Eisses
Answering Campus Sexual Violence
By Paul Adams, with Vanessa Eisses, Sara DeMoor, Rebecca Janzen, Greta Hays
October 20, 2017
In September, Convivium published data from Redeemer University College’s Professor Jim Vanderwoerd comparing rates of sexual violence at public universities with those of specifically Christian post-secondary institutions. Our readers appreciated Vanderwoerd’s work, but want the research to go even further.
As a woman who graduated from an independent Christian college and has since worked on public university campuses for the past 10 years, I am not surprised by the summary of Jim Vanderwoerd’s research into sexual violence and moral communities