Andrew Peterson
As a singer-songwriter and recording artist, Andrew has released more than ten records over the past fifteen years. His music has earned him a reputation for writing songs that connect with his listeners in ways equally powerful, poetic, and intimate. He has also followed his gifts into the realm of publishing. His books include the four volumes of the award-winning Wingfeather Saga.
Bio last updated August 30th, 2018.
Articles by Andrew Peterson
Taking the Filter Off Life With Instagram
By Andrew Peterson
August 29, 2018
Singer-songwriter and recording artist, Andrew Peterson explores his radical decision to delete Instagram off his phone in an age of almost constant social connectivity. You might ask if an artist whose very livelihood is tied to marketing can afford to remove himself from this social media platform? The real question, says Petersen, is can he afford not to?
How do I reconcile all this with the fact that I’ve come to know some of you well because of interactions on social media? How can I discount the massive encouragement I’ve received from some of you via Facebook or Instagram? How do I deny the fact that I have been blessed and shaped by albums and books and films and concerts and articles I wouldn’t have discovered any other way? How do I maintain a healthy relationship with people who actually do care about me and mine, who actually want to know what’s going on in my life, though I’ve never once had dinner or coffee with them? This culture is so weird, right? It’s weird in ways no one could have predicted when the first computer was constructed But in my old age I’ve gotten more and more private with personal stuff, and have felt more conviction about what’s appropriate to share on social media The murmur of the Holy Spirit in my heart has grown over the years into a clear voice: don’t thoughtlessly share pictures of yourself or your loved ones with people you don’t really know Life was rich long before social media showed up, and it’s been nice to remember that People will start to think you’re greedy or self-serving if the only time you post on Instagram is when you want them to buy your books or albums