Convivium was a project of Cardus 2011‑2022, and is preserved here for archival purposes.
Stories of SubsidiarityStories of Subsidiarity

Stories of Subsidiarity

For more on subsidiarity, consider my colleague Milton Friesen's excellent work on the subject over at our Social Cities page. There are ways to form a thriving society that don't necessarily rely on traditional political labels.

Ray Pennings
0 minute read

At the Manning Networking Conference in Ottawa this year, I had the opportunity to host Father Robert A. Sirico of the Acton Institute for his talk on "Ethics and the American Idea." In the clip below, he tells a story that perfectly illustrates the concept of subsidiarity.

For more on subsidiarity, consider my colleague Milton Friesen's excellent work on the subject over at our Social Cities page. There are ways to form a thriving society that don't necessarily rely on traditional political labels.

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