Convivium was a project of Cardus 2011‑2022, and is preserved here for archival purposes.
Lost in a Fog of DenialLost in a Fog of Denial

Lost in a Fog of Denial

Two generations after women became a massive part of the workforce and sexual harassment reared its head, we continue grappling—in Jian Gomeshi’s case, literally—for the right response.

Peter Stockland
0 minute read

Two generations after women became a massive part of the workforce and sexual harassment reared its head, we continue grappling—in Jian Gomeshi’s case, literally—for the right response.

What is so on a personal level is even worse on an institutional level as we discovered this week when two Liberal MPs were summarily suspended from their caucus following allegations they each harassed female MPs from the NDP in different times, places and, presumably, ways.

The one certainty in the situation is reinforcement of the sense that Liberal leader Justin Trudeau is an astonishingly impulsive and arbitrary man. He publicized the complainants complaints without the consent—or even notification—of those complainants.

Read more: http://www.cardus.ca/blog/2014/11/lost-in-a-fog-of-denial

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