Convivium was a project of Cardus 2011‑2022, and is preserved here for archival purposes.
Journalistic Ambiguity Not Worth A TweetJournalistic Ambiguity Not Worth A Tweet

Journalistic Ambiguity Not Worth A Tweet

Peter Stockland on journalistic ambiguities.

Peter Stockland
0 minute read

Cardus Daily blogger Albertos Polizogopoulos did a majestic job yesterday of knocking the stuffing out of the pseudo-legal folderol surrounding York University’s purported reasonable accommodation debacle.

What remains is for the overnight clean-up crew to trash the media mischief that set everyone a-twitter in the first place. Screeches of commentary, howls of editorial indignation and loon calls of impending apocalypse have sounded because of reportage based entirely on a single, anonymous individual making one private request for religious accommodation that he then withdrew in order to accommodate the existing order.

Read more:  http://www.cardus.ca/blog/2014/01/journalistic-ambiguity-not-worth-a-tweet

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