Josh Reinders

Josh Reinders interned at Cardus for the summer of 2012. He will be joining Cardus for the second time. He is currently studying Honours Political Science at McMaster University. The undergrad degree he is working towards gave him a keen interest in politics and the desire to pursue it further with Cardus. Josh will be working on the Work and Economics, specifically focusing on Construction Policy within Ontario and Canada.

Bio last updated April 30th, 2018.

Josh Reinders

Articles by Josh Reinders

  • Myth-making

    In "Why Bother with the Humanities in a Time of Crisis?" from Comment last year, Deborah Bowen describes the power of story for changing lives In a culture of instant gratification and instant communication, young people increasingly need help to contextualize: to recognize that the world beyond the...


  • Healthy, Wealthy, Respawning

    Just like SSHRC is focusing research on the gaming industry, maybe it's time for the church to explore the idea further and make a concerted, objective effort at examining the intersection of video games with spirituality. ...


  • Broken Union

    What right do they have to restrict someone else's right to learn? These students who still want to attend classes aren't scabs And now, with news that protesters are preventing other students from attending classes, my kinship has been eclipsed by dismay ...